June 20-21, 2024
online and in-person
University of Oxford
June 20 - Day 1 (online)
Panel 1: Articulating Anti-Colonialism
10:00 -11:30
Saukarya Samad, University of Delhi
Identities, Insecurities and Idioms of Power: Revisiting the Portrayal of British Misrule and the Nucleation of Peasants’ Resistance in Subhash Mukhopadhyay’s Reportage on Colonial Northeastern India
Aloy Deb Barma & Prajapita Debroy, Mizoram University, IndiaCommemorating Colonial Legacies in Postcolonial Borderlands: Kokborok Films and the Dialectic of Double Colonization of Tripura
Anurag Anand & Udisha, University of Delhi
Broadcasting Freedom: The Strategic Deployment of Radio in Anti-Colonial Struggle
Panel 2: Creations and Contestations
Isaac Junior Kwarteng, Princeton UniversityThe Forgotten State: State-remaking, Colonialism, and Contestations in Colonial Denkyira(Ghana).
Niels Boender, University of Warwick
Truth or Reconciliation?: Mau Mau and post-colonial state-making in Kenya, 1963-1969
Panel 3: Ecology and Colonialism
13:30 - 14:30
Ananyo Chakraborty, University of Delhi
Fluid State of Affairs: Colonialism, Ecology and State in Post-Partition Bengal Delta
Ruby Ekkel, Australian National University
‘Making friends with lyrebirds’: environmental intimacy and settler colonial belonging at Mount Buffalo National Park
Panel 4: Media and Memorialisation
14:30 - 16:00
Paul Csillag, European University InstituteFrom Eugen to Sarajevo – De-imperializing Austrian’s imperial history through film
Meher Nandrajog, University of Delhi
Narrating Partition through Interactive Digital Fiction: The ReReeti Foundation’s Un.Divided Identities Exhibition
Anu Shandilya, University of Delhi
Threads of Struggle: Textile and Handicraft Traditions in Kashmir as Mediums for Conflict Memorialization and Reconciliation
Panel 5: Pedagogy, Reconciliation and Commemoration
16:30 - 18:30
Marcelo José Cabarcas Ortega, University of PittsburghReclaiming the Narrative: Bojayá and the Role of Memory in Post-Conflict Colombia's Pursuit of Justice
Matthew Robertson, Metis Nation of Ontario
From Reconciliation to ‘Idle No More’: ‘Articulation’ and Indigenous Struggle in Canada
Mark Mallory, Texas A&M University
Traces of the Black Seminole Diaspora: Black and Native Incorporation in Texas Public History Since 1983
Marianne P. Quijano, University of Florida
“Memories of Race, War, and Colonialism in San Blas, Panama, 1925–1968
Panel 1: Colony & Metropole
Lauren Cochrane, University of Exeter
“Violence and Visuality: Images of British colonial violence in the Colonial Office photographic collections”
Abha Anuradha Rohanna Calindi, Geneva Graduate Institute
“Commemorating the Algerian War in France: Counterinsurgency Logics and Legacies in the Metropole”
Panel 2: Cultures of Settler Colonialism
Geena Carlisle, Freie Universität and Humboldt Universität
‘What’s it got to do with New Zealand?’: Settler colonialism and the 1981 South African Springbok Rugby Tour to Aotearoa New Zealand
Bec Beutel, University of Oxford
“Bama Back on Bubu: Claims for Land, Governance, and Nationhood in the Daintree through the Resurgence of Bama Culture”
Panel 3: Boundaries of Ideology & Law
13:30 - 14:30
Chloé M. Chbat, University of Manchester (ONLINE)
“Bordering and Immobility: A Study of the Palestinian Body within the Settler Colonial Context in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)”
Ella Halpern-Matthews, Columbia University and the London School of Economics
“Zionism as a Planning Regime: Israeli Settler Colonialism in the Sinai Peninsula, 1967-82”
Panel 4: Memory and Transnational Justice
14:30 - 16:00
Lucy Gaynor, University of Amsterdam‘The Past is Never Dead: Narrating History the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda’
Zijia Song, University College London
Revisiting the “Adoptive Father Mentality”: Neo-Colonial Narratives in the U.S. Intervention in the Vietnam War
Shachar Gannot, Princeton University
“A Defender of Nazis: Robert Servatius, the State of Israel and the Eichmann Trial”
Panel 5: Old Convenors Panel
Reckoning with Global and Transnational Histories Now
Commemoration through Music
Pete Yelding (University of Bath Spa)
Debayan Das (University of Oxford)